Farming in Aotearoa New Zealand
Safer Farms Business Case
Safer Farms acknowledges that there are unaccapetable levels of harm that affects our farmers, their families and our rural communities. In 2024 they worked alongside Navona to develop a business case for ACC, which was accepted, with funding approved for $11 million over five years.
ACC and Safer Farms announce new partnership
ACC and Safer Farms have announced a new partnership to reduce harm, injuries and fatalities in the agricultural sector. The partnership will see over $11 million invested by ACC over the next five years, supporting the agriculture sector in the implementation of Safer Farms’ innovative grassroots ‘Farm Without Harm’ strategy. Agriculture remains one of the most dangerous industries for New Zealanders to work in.
In 2024, ACC accepted over 17,116 new farming-related injury claims, and spent over $124 million to help people recover from farming-related injuries. Safer Farms Chair Lindy Nelson says the investment is a significant boost to the programme, which has resonated with farmers since its launch in 2023.
“This support from ACC means we can amplify what we’ve already been doing, working with farming leaders and supporting farming people to protect each other from preventable harm,” she says.
For many years, the agricultural sector has suffered from high harm statistics and accounts for approximately $100m in new work-account claims liability each year for ACC. People are also being harmed on farms when they are at home and playing. It means that everyday health, wellbeing and lives are at stake.
Addressing the complexity of wicked problems like harm on farm demands concerted effort. Embracing a Collective Impact approach ensures this challenge is not just a sideline concern. It requires daily commitment, driving focused action to mitigate harm and foster positive change within our sector. This is Safer Farms’ day job.
Who is Safer Farms?
Safer Farms is a member-based organisation dedicated to leading and inspiring a safer farm culture throughout New Zealand to prevent injury and fatality on farm.
Safer Farms leads and inspires the agricultural sector to make farms safer places to work and live. They are in service to the sector to reduce preventable injury and deaths in all corners of rural New Zealand.
They are the stewards (kaitiaki) of the sector-wide Farm Without Harm (FWH) strategy and their role is to raise awareness of the preventable harm caused on farm, to drive and to enable the sector to reduce stubbornly high levels of harm.
Next Steps
For more information about Safer Farms next steps and their strategy moving forward, jump on their website and sign up for their monthly newsletters, follow them on social media or contact them directly.